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Free resources for unleashing the church’s mission.
We believe the local church’s greatest mission is making and multiplying disciples. For this purpose, we curate theologically Wesleyan and unapologetically holistic resources motivated to move people from making decisions to trust Christ to actively following Jesus in close discipleship communities.
What kind of resources can be submitted?
We’re looking for a variety of free, original resources including: sermon series, ministry how-to’s, strategies, training, ministerial preparation, creative elements, and practical helps for growing in your Christian faith.
Your Wesleyan resource team carefully curates for theology and holistic application that are free, legal, and reproducible resources for the local church. Most resources can be downloaded or streamed (i.e. images, videos, PDFs, PowerPoint, documents, and more). Submit your free, original resources using this form.
Please ensure you are the owner or can identify the original owner of all materials before submitting. For more information please see our copyright statement.
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Copyright Statement
The Wesleyan Church Resource Center Licensing
You may download content from The Resource Center and use it on your computer for personal study, you may print it, and use it in a presentation for yourself and others provided that you give it away and do not charge for it and provided that you give appropriate attribution/credit (additional instructions below). In this case, free means free. It cannot be bundled with anything sold, nor can you charge for shipping, handling, or any other processing or entrance fee. It cannot be posted on other websites or servers (additional instructions below). These resources are provided for personal study or for use in preparation for and presentation of ministry-related events, sermons, Sunday school classes, or other non-commercial study. This release applies only to content on The Resource Center including, but not limited to devotionals, Bible studies, articles, videos, audio recordings, icebreakers, outreach ideas, promotions, games, team builders, skits, photos, artwork, and logos.
Resources that include their additional copyright information are subject to the owner’s copyright.
Content Ownership
All writers will receive full attribution for resources posted on The Resource Center. All contributions will remain the property of the respective content owners. However, The Wesleyan Church reserves the right to edit submissions for content and length, and post the resources in any Church publication, resource, or website deemed appropriate.
Attribution/Credit Requirements
Content on The Resource Center is provided for ministry and educational purposes. When used for these purposes, the material may be quoted/copied provided the following credit is included with the material. The suggested format is:
Author, A.A., (Year of Publication). Title of the work.
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Requests for Permission to Repost Resources on Other Sites
The Wesleyan Church does not grant permission for materials to be re-posted on other websites. However, you may place a link to our resources on your website. You do not need to obtain permission to link to any resource on The Resource Center.
Why Compliance Is Important
Copyright compliance helps avoid legal disputes, fines, and large punitive fees as well negative public relations. Non-compliance can lead to a civil lawsuit against The Wesleyan Church or your local church or ministry. In addition, pastors and others in leadership could be held personally liable. Courts can impose stiff fines, and authors and publishers could require large, retroactive fees for the unauthorized use of their works.
The Wesleyan Church reserves the right to monitor and verify submissions prior to publication on The Resource Center. The Wesleyan Church will enforce the provisions of these policies and may deny publication to The Resource Center. Additionally, The Wesleyan Church may remove resources that violate copyright and/or trademark law, and may ban individuals from accessing the website if egregious or repeated offenses are discovered.
Additional Questions
Additional questions about this information or The Resource Center can be directed to the resource center curator.